
Get ready for Diabetes Alert Day - March 25, 2008

Here’s a chance to kick-off or jump-start your employee wellness program - the American Diabetes Association’s 20th Annual American Diabetes Alert Day is Tuesday, March 25, 2008.

The Association created the “one-day wake-up call” to motivate the country to take the initial steps to finding out if they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. They even offer free, downloadable materials on their site to help you promote the event at your workplace.

Diabetes is only one of many health issues facing our employees today. With the direction health care costs have been moving in recent years, it’s time for companies to step in and help their employees.

Improve your employees’ overall health and you may cut down on your health care costs. Invest just a small amount of resources into an office wellness program and they will pay you back.

Surveys have proven that when offered, wellness programs are popular with workers. And, experts in the health care industry suggest that companies that implement wellness programs are showing returns on their investments, mainly in the form of lower health care costs.

You won’t see the money in your pocket tomorrow, but stick with a workplace wellness program. Over time you may find that you’re spending less on health care and those who matter the most, your employees, will cash in on the greatest benefit - their health.


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