Do you agonize over writing job descriptions? Struggle to find the right words to attract the perfect applicant?
Why not
show them how great you are? - make a video.
Popular recruiting sites are joining the YouTube revolution by incorporating video into online recruitment ads. Writing job descriptions may be a thing of the past.
Recently, the online job network began offering video-hosting services. Along with written advertisements, companies can post a video to show job candidates what they can offer.
Another site, CareerTV, allows companies to entertain while recruiting job candidates. Google, Disney, BMW and even the FBI have posted videos to grab the attention of promising applicants.
And it works both ways. Job seekers also can post video resumes. All videos are open to the public to rate on a 1-5 scale. Videos can be viewed by highest-rated, most viewed, and how recently they were posted.
More than just a job description, videos allow insight into a company's culture and can help potential applicants make more informed decisions when job hunting.
Video recruiting is the next big thing for the latest generation of employees, so make a video and show your future employees what you’ve got to offer.
New Recruitment Trend: Video